4AM Group - Web Strategy and Marketing
Call Toll-Free 1.877.426.8811 or email us at info@4am.ca

Web Design & Ecommerce Search Engine Optimization Email Marketing Interactive Media
Paul Chu
Partner, Business Development
With management and leadership experience in banking and IT, Paul has become the business development director for 4AM. Paul’s blend of digital marketing knowledge, web development, database, coding and project management skills is seen through projects for notable clients such as Eaglequest Golf, Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, BC Institute of Technology, International Binding and Laminating, and the BC Cancer Agency.
Michael Kenneth Wong
Partner, Marketing & Client Relations
A fusion of careers in medicine, music, web and rich media design have propelled Mike into a unique industry veteran in marketing and creative design for the page and pixel. Mike’s captivating style, ease of management and creative ideas have graced projects for highly notable accounts such as Intrawest Corporation, Coca-Cola Canada, Canada Metal, Abercrombie & Kent, Whistler-Blackcomb, Backun Musical Services, St. Paul’s Hospital and Mark Anthony Group.
Neil Diguangco
Creative Director
Creative and dynamic, Neil has gained considerable experience in both digital and print marketing. With a background in 3D animation and usability, Neil has continually delivered high quality services under tight deadlines. Notable clients include the Vancouver Airport YVR, Intrawest Playground, Sheltair Group, International Centre for Sustainable Cities and the GVRD.
Brandon C. Elliot
Account Manager
A proven leader in project management with a formal education in engineering, marketing, professional photography and internet development; Brandon has gained extensive knowledge in these fields working for such companies as FedEx Australia, The Artona Group, and TeamVision Software Inc.. Brandon's natural photography talents also contribute creativity and ingenuity to his role as part of the 4AM team.



© 2005 4AM Group Ltd. | Studio 302 - 21 Water Street, Gastown, Vancouver V6B 1A1

toll-free. 1.877.426.8811 | f. 604.628.0119 | e. info@4am.ca

Vancouver web design & ecommerce | Vancouver search engine optimization | Vancouver email marketing | Vancouver interactive media
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